The difference between acrylic sheet, PC sheet, PS sheet, MS sheet, PP sheet

Acrylic sheet, PC sheet, PS sheet, MS sheet, PP sheet, these kinds of sheets are very similar, in the same color, it is hard to identify which sheet. If the consumer does not understand the product knowledge, it will give the seller the opportunity to scam. Make the seller profitable.

For example, at present, all kinds of sheets are transparent and colorless, so consumers can only recognize that they are colorless and transparent, but they cannot identify which are plexiglass (acrylic) and which are PC sheet. Use PS sheet, MS sheet to counterfeit plexiglass (acrylic), or use plexiglass to counterfeit PC endurance sheet. Invisible businesses can seek greater benefits. In fact, this will bring serious cycle results to customers, because the processing performance of different raw materials is different!

KN Plastic Co.,Ltd reminds you how to identify acrylic, PC, PS, MS sheets.

1,Acrylic sheet is including cast acrylic sheet and extruded acrylic sheet. The cast acrylic sheet has good transparency. With the most original identification method, if use fire to burn, the flame is clear when burning, no smoke, no bubbles, no squeaking sound, no silk when extinguishing fire.

2, PC sheet, the identification method is: high transparency, good impact resistance, not bad, burning with fire is basically unable to burn, flame retardant, and will emit some black smoke.

3, PS sheet, the identification method is: the transparency is general, there will be pitting when it is reflective. More brittle and easy to break. There will be a squeaking sound when you hit the ground. When burned with fire, a large amount of black smoke is produced.

4, MS sheet, the identification method is: the transparency is general, there will be pitting when it is reflective. When burned with fire, a large amount of black smoke is produced. Basically close to the PS board, but the flexibility and processing performance are better than the PS organic board.

5, PP sheet: The smell of polypropylene burning is the smell of oil, and secondly we can judge by burning smoke. If the combustion is a small amount of black smoke, the material is pp (polypropylene).

The above examples are all transparent and colorless sheet materials.